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On the hustle
Destiny: an appreciation
Eyes on the horizon
My essays Steel Springs in Meanjin; Opening Doors and Minds in Limelight; and Letter from Dunkley in The Monthly.
Actor Debi Mazar picks up the binoculars gifted to her when her TV series Younger wrapped and looks for birds hiding among the olive and cypress trees that surround the 11th-century, medieval Florentine home she shares with her Italian husband, chef Gabriele Corcos.

The couple moved permanently to Florence during the pandemic – Mazar had always promised Corcos’ mother she would “bring him home some day”.

Destiny Deacon “was an artist who understood all that matters”, says the writer and poet Tony Birch, one of many friends and fellow creatives attending to their grief over the death of the esteemed multimedia artist last week, at the age of 67.

“Every moment in life is a force of creativity. She gave birth to the diaspora we know as being a Fitzroy Blak,” Birch said on the weekend. “We are our own tribe; the Aboriginal children of back lanes, street corners and tram bells. Destiny wouldn’t have it any other way.”

In a rehearsal space in Sydney, two First Nations choreographers are finding common cultural threads that have shaped them – bodies of fresh or salt water, the southern sky and generations of strong women.

Together, they are creating a new work, The Light Inside, for Bangarra Dance Theatre’s first-ever mainstage international collaboration, as part of its forthcoming major touring show Horizon.

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